Mr. Naoyuki Hasegawa, Chief Executive Director, JETRO San Francisco, visited the "Advanced Business Writing" class on November 5, 2010

Author: Staf Writer
November 5, 2010

Mr. Naoyuki Hasegawa, Chief Executive Director, JETRO San Francisco, visited the "Advanced Business Writing" class on November 5, 2010. Students' comments are listed below:

Thank you for arranging today's speaker, Mr. Hasegawa. I thought he was very engaging and interesting. I very much appreciated his reinforcing the notion that the work we are doing in your class is important in the real world. It was great to have that reiterated by someone of Mr. Hasegawa's status. I found his clarity and humor to be valuable lessons not only in business but for language learners in general. Thank you again for arranging another beneficial guest speaker. I hope we are able to have at least one more before the semester ends.